yourWBB » WoltLab Burning Board Generation 2 * » Alles von und für das WBB 2.3.x » [WBB 2.3.x] Allg. Fragen und Probleme » addrepy problem? » Hallo Gast [Anmelden|Registrieren]
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Zum Ende der Seite springen addrepy problem?
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GoldenGate GoldenGate ist männlich


Dabei seit: 16.01.04
Beiträge: 805
Herkunft: Bodenheim
Forenversion: Wbb 2.3.3.

 addrepy problem? Antworten Zitieren Editieren Melden       UP

Dies ist eine vorgefertigte Schablone.
Bitte fülle soviel aus, wie dir nur Möglich ist, du kannst auch gerne noch mehr Angaben machen.


Weisse Seite
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_ENCAPSED_AND_WHITESPACE, expecting T_STRING or T_VARIABLE or T_NUM_STRING in /var/www/web368/html/wbb2/addreply.php(496) : eval()'d code on line 26

letzter hack guthaben

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Was wurde zuletzt geändert oder eingebaut?
10.03.08 18:17 GoldenGate ist offline E-Mail WWW Finden Als Freund hinzufügen AIM-Name von GoldenGate: GoldenGate1980 YIM-Name von GoldenGate: samybaffoun

Dabei seit: 27.12.06
Beiträge: 812

Antworten Zitieren Editieren Melden       UP

am besten du hängst die datei mal an,denn unsere Glaskugeln sind gerade in der Werkstatt.
10.03.08 18:21 --Nachtfalke-- ist offline Finden Als Freund hinzufügen
GoldenGate GoldenGate ist männlich


Dabei seit: 16.01.04
Beiträge: 805
Herkunft: Bodenheim
Forenversion: Wbb 2.3.3.

Themenstarter Thema begonnen von GoldenGate
Antworten Zitieren Editieren Melden       UP

// ***************************************************************************
// * WoltLab Burning Board 2
// ***************************************************************************
// * Copyright (c) 2001-2004 WoltLab GmbH
// * Web
// * License
// *
// ***************************************************************************
// * WoltLab Burning Board 2 is NOT free software.
// * You may not redistribute this package or any of it's files.
// ***************************************************************************
// * $Date: 2005-11-22 17:08:01 +0100 (Tue, 22 Nov 2005) $
// * $Author: Burntime $
// * $Rev: 1655 $
// ***************************************************************************

$filename = 'addreply.php';


if (!isset($threadid) || $thread['closed'] == 3) error($lang->get("LANG_GLOBAL_ERROR_FALSELINK", array('$adminmail' => $adminmail)));
if ($thread['visible'] == 0 || ($thread['closed'] != 0 && !checkmodpermissions('m_can_close_reply')) || $board['isboard'] != 1 || $board['closed'] == 1 || (!checkpermissions('can_reply_topic') && (!checkpermissions('can_reply_own_topic') || $thread['starterid'] != $wbbuserdata['userid']))) access_error();

// check for double post
if ($wbbuserdata['doublepost_timegap'] != 0 && $thread['lastposterid'] == $wbbuserdata['userid']) {

if ($wbbuserdata['doublepost_timegap'] == -1) error($lang->get("LANG_POST_REPLY_ERROR1"));
else if ($thread['lastposttime'] >= time() - $wbbuserdata['doublepost_timegap'] * 60 ) error($lang->get("LANG_POST_REPLY_ERROR2", array('$doublepost_timegap' => $wbbuserdata['doublepost_timegap'])));



$preview_window = '';
$addreply_error = '';
$checked = array('', '', '', '', '', '', '', '');

/* checkbox preselect */
if ($addreply_default_checked_0 == 1) $checked[0] = 'checked="checked"';
if ($wbbuserdata['emailnotify'] == 1) $checked[1] = 'checked="checked"';

if ($addreply_default_checked_2 == 1) $checked[2] = 'checked="checked"';
if ($addreply_default_checked_3 == 1) $checked[3] = 'checked="checked"';
if ($addreply_default_checked_4 == 1) $checked[4] = 'checked="checked"';
if ($addreply_default_checked_5 == 1) $checked[5] = 'checked="checked"';

if ($addreply_default_checked_6 == 1) $checked[6] = 'checked="checked"';

if (isset($_POST['send'])) {
// post options
if (isset($_POST['parseurl'])) $parseurl = intval($_POST['parseurl']);
else $parseurl = 0;
if (isset($_POST['emailnotify'])) $emailnotify = intval($_POST['emailnotify']);
else $emailnotify = 0;
if (isset($_POST['disablesmilies'])) $disablesmilies = intval($_POST['disablesmilies']);
else $disablesmilies = 0;
if (isset($_POST['disablehtml'])) $disablehtml = intval($_POST['disablehtml']);
else $disablehtml = 0;
if (isset($_POST['disablebbcode'])) $disablebbcode = intval($_POST['disablebbcode']);
else $disablebbcode = 0;
if (isset($_POST['disableimages'])) $disableimages = intval($_POST['disableimages']);
else $disableimages = 0;
if (isset($_POST['showsignature'])) $showsignature = intval($_POST['showsignature']);
else $showsignature = 0;
if (isset($_POST['threadclose'])) $threadclose = intval($_POST['threadclose']);
else $threadclose = 0;
if (isset($_POST['idhash'])) $idhash = wbb_trim($_POST['idhash']);
else $idhash = '';

if ($idhash == '') $idhash = md5($wbbuserdata['userid'].'|'.$threadid.'|'.time());

/* get topic & stop shooting */
$topic = wbb_trim($_POST['topic']);
if ($dostopshooting == 1) $topic = stopShooting($topic);

/* get message & strip crap */
$message = stripcrap(wbb_trim($_POST['message']));
if (wbb_strlen($message) > $postmaxchars) $message = wbb_substr($message, 0, $postmaxchars);

/* get guestname */
if (!$wbbuserdata['userid']) $guestname = wbb_trim($_POST['guestname']);

/* check attachmentids:start */
if (checkpermissions('can_upload_attachments') == 1) {
if (isset($_POST['attachmentids']) && $_POST['attachmentids'] != '') {
$temp = explode(',', $_POST['attachmentids']);
$attachmentids = intval_array($temp);
$attachment_verify = $db->query("SELECT * FROM bb".$n."_attachments WHERE attachmentid IN (".implode(',', $attachmentids).") AND idhash='".addslashes($idhash)."'");
$attachmentids = array();
while ($row = $db->fetch_array($attachment_verify)) {
$attachmentids[] = $row['attachmentid'];
else {
// read attachments from database (for users without javascript)
$attachment_verify = $db->query("SELECT * FROM bb".$n."_attachments WHERE idhash='".addslashes($idhash)."'");
$attachmentids = array();
while ($row = $db->fetch_array($attachment_verify)) {
$attachmentids[] = $row['attachmentid'];
else {
$attachmentids = array();
/* check attachmentids:end */

/* posting feature rights:start */
if (isset($_POST['iconid']) && checkpermissions('can_use_post_icons') == 1) $iconid = intval($_POST['iconid']);
else $iconid = 0;

if (!checkpermissions('can_use_post_smilies') || $disablesmilies == 1) $allowsmilies = 0;
else $allowsmilies = 1;

if (!checkpermissions('can_use_post_html') || $disablehtml == 1) $allowhtml = 0;
else $allowhtml = 1;

if (!checkpermissions('can_use_post_bbcode') || $disablebbcode == 1) $allowbbcode = 0;
else $allowbbcode = 1;

if (!checkpermissions('can_use_post_images') || $disableimages == 1) $allowimages = 0;
else $allowimages = 1;
/* posting feature rights:end */

/* get parent postid */
if (isset($_POST['postid'])) $postid = intval($_POST['postid']);
else $postid = 0;

if (!isset($_POST['preview']) && !$_POST['change_editor']) {
$error = '';

/* verify guestname */
if (!$wbbuserdata['userid']) {
$wbbuserdata['username'] = $guestname;
if (!$wbbuserdata['username'] || !verify_username($wbbuserdata['username'])) $error .= $lang->items['LANG_POST_ERROR2'];

/* check message */
if (!$message) $error .= $lang->items['LANG_POSTINGS_ERROR1'];
if (flood_control($wbbuserdata['userid'], $REMOTE_ADDR, $wbbuserdata['avoid_fc'])) error($lang->get("LANG_POST_ERROR3", array('$fctime' => $fctime)));
if ($wbbuserdata['max_post_image'] != -1 && wbb_substr_count(wbb_strtolower($message), '[img]') > $wbbuserdata['max_post_image']) $error .= $lang->items['LANG_POST_ERROR4'];

if ($error) eval("\$addreply_error = \"".$tpl->get("newthread_error")."\";");
else {
/* parse url */
if ($parseurl == 1 && $allowbbcode == 1) $message = parseURL($message);

/* post already exists? */
$result = $db->query_first("SELECT postid FROM bb".$n."_posts WHERE threadid='$threadid' AND userid='$wbbuserdata[userid]' AND username='".addslashes($wbbuserdata['username'])."' AND posttopic='".addslashes($topic)."' AND posttime>='".(time() - $dpvtime)."' AND message='".addslashes($message)."'", 1);
if ($result['postid']) {
header("Location: thread.php?postid=".$result['postid'].$SID_ARG_2ND_UN."#post".$result['post

/* avoid moderation */
if (checkpermissions('can_post_without_moderation') == 1) $board['moderatenew'] = 0;
$time = time();

/* insert post */
$db->query("INSERT INTO bb".$n."_posts (parentpostid,threadid,userid,username,iconid,posttopic,posttime,message,at
dress,visible) VALUES ".
','".(($board['moderatenew'] == 1 || $board['moderatenew'] == 11) ? (0) : (1))."')");
$postid = $db->insert_id();

/* create postcache */
$parse = &new parse($docensor, 75, 1, '', $usecode, 1, 1);
$cache = $parse->doparse($message, $allowsmilies, $allowhtml, $allowbbcode, $allowimages);
$db->query("REPLACE INTO bb".$n."_postcache (postid, threadid, cache) VALUES ('".$postid."', '".$threadid."', '".addslashes($cache)."')");

/* set attachment postid */
if (count($attachmentids)) {
$db->unbuffered_query("UPDATE bb".$n."_attachments SET postid='$postid', idhash='' WHERE attachmentid IN (".implode(',', $attachmentids).")", 1);
$attachmentcount = ', attachments=attachments+'.count($attachmentids);
else $attachmentcount = '';

/* insert subscription */
if ($emailnotify == 1 && $wbbuserdata['userid']) $db->unbuffered_query("REPLACE INTO bb".$n."_subscribethreads (userid,threadid,emailnotify,countemails) VALUES ($wbbuserdata[userid],$threadid,1,0)");

/* wordmatch */
wordmatch($postid, $message, $topic);

/* mod subscriptions */
$subscriptions = '';
$langpacks = array();
$langpacks[$lang->languagepackid] = &$lang;
$result = $db->query("SELECT u.userid,, u.username, u.notificationperpm, l.languagepackid FROM bb".$n."_moderators m LEFT JOIN bb".$n."_users u USING(userid) LEFT JOIN bb".$n."_languagepacks l ON(l.languagepackid=u.langid) WHERE m.userid<>'$wbbuserdata[userid]' AND m.boardid ='".$boardid."' AND m.notify_newpost=1");
while ($row = $db->fetch_array($result)) {
$subscriptions .= ','.$row['userid'];

if (!isset($langpacks[$row['languagepackid']])) {
$langpacks[$row['languagepackid']] = &new language(intval($row['languagepackid']));

$master_board_name_email = getlangvar($o_master_board_name, $langpacks[$row['languagepackid']], 0);

$mail_subject = $langpacks[$row['languagepackid']]->get("LANG_MAIL_MOD_NEWPOST_SUBJECT", array('$topic' => $thread['topic']));
$mail_text = $langpacks[$row['languagepackid']]->get("LANG_MAIL_MOD_NEWPOST_TEXT", array('$username' => $row['username'], '$topic' => $thread['topic'], '$author' => $wbbuserdata['username'], '$url2board' => $url2board, '$postid' => $postid, '$master_board_name_email' => $master_board_name_email));

// send notification (per email or pn)
if ($row['notificationperpm'] == 0) mailer($row['email'], $mail_subject, $mail_text);
else sendPrivateMessage(array($row['userid'] => $row['username']), array(), $mail_subject, parseURL($mail_text));

if ($board['moderatenew'] == 1 || $board['moderatenew'] == 11) redirect($lang->items['LANG_POST_REDIRECT'], "board.php?boardid=$boardid".$SID_ARG_2ND, 10);
else {
/* close thread option */
if ($threadclose == 1 && (checkmodpermissions('m_can_thread_close') || ($wbbuserdata['userid'] && $wbbuserdata['userid'] == $thread['starterid'] && checkpermissions('can_close_own_topic') == 1))) $threadclose = ', closed=1';
else $threadclose = '';

/* update thread info */
$db->unbuffered_query("UPDATE bb".$n."_threads SET lastposttime = '$time', lastposterid = '$wbbuserdata[userid]', lastposter = '".addslashes($wbbuserdata['username'])."', replycount = replycount+1$attachmentcount$threadclose WHERE threadid = '$threadid'", 1);

/* update board info */
$db->unbuffered_query("UPDATE bb".$n."_boards SET postcount=postcount+1, lastthreadid='$threadid', lastposttime='$time', lastposterid='$wbbuserdata[userid]', lastposter='".addslashes($wbbuserdata['username'])."' WHERE boardid IN ($board[parentlist],$boardid)", 1);

/* update global postcount */
$db->unbuffered_query("UPDATE bb".$n."_stats SET postcount=postcount+1", 1);

/* update userposts & rank */
if ($board['countuserposts'] == 1 && $wbbuserdata['userid']) {
$wbbuserdata['userposts'] += 1;
list($rankid) = $db->query_first("SELECT rankid FROM bb".$n."_ranks WHERE groupid IN ('0','$wbbuserdata[rankgroupid]') AND needposts<='$wbbuserdata[userposts]' AND gender IN ('0','$wbbuserdata[gender]') ORDER BY needposts DESC, gender DESC", 1);
$db->unbuffered_query("UPDATE bb".$n."_users SET userposts=userposts+1".(($rankid != $wbbuserdata['rankid']) ? (", rankid='$rankid'") : (""))." WHERE userid = '$wbbuserdata[userid]'", 1);

/* Start: Guthaben-Hack */
if ($guthaben['postguthaben'] && $board['guthaben'] && $wbbuserdata['userid']){
$row2['topic'] = addslashes(htmlspecialchars($thread['topic']));
$db->query("INSERT INTO bb".$n."_kontoauszug VALUES ('', '".$wbbuserdata[userid]."','".time()."','".$lang->get("LANG_GUTHABEN_KAUSZ_
POST", array('$row2[topic]' => $row2['topic']))."','".$guthaben['postguthaben']."','plus')");
$db->query("UPDATE bb".$n."_users SET guthaben=guthaben+$guthaben[postguthaben] WHERE userid='$wbbuserdata[userid]'");
/* Ende: Guthaben-Hack */

/* subscriptions */
$result = $db->query("SELECT u.userid,, u.username, u.notificationperpm, s.countemails, l.languagepackid FROM bb".$n."_subscribethreads s LEFT JOIN bb".$n."_users u USING(userid) LEFT JOIN bb".$n."_languagepacks l ON(l.languagepackid=u.langid) WHERE s.threadid='$threadid' AND s.userid NOT IN (".$wbbuserdata['userid'].$subscriptions.") AND s.emailnotify=1 AND s.countemails<'$maxnotifymails' AND is not null");
while ($row = $db->fetch_array($result)) {

if (!isset($langpacks[$row['languagepackid']])) {
$langpacks[$row['languagepackid']] = &new language(intval($row['languagepackid']));

$master_board_name_email = getlangvar($o_master_board_name, $langpacks[$row['languagepackid']], 0);

$mail_subject = $langpacks[$row['languagepackid']]->get("LANG_MAIL_NEWPOST_SUBJECT", array('$topic' => $thread['topic']));
$mail_text = $langpacks[$row['languagepackid']]->get("LANG_MAIL_NEWPOST_TEXT", array('$username' => $row['username'], '$topic' => $thread['topic'], '$author' => $wbbuserdata['username'], '$url2board' => $url2board, '$postid' => $postid, '$master_board_name_email' => $master_board_name_email));

if ($row['notificationperpm'] == 0) mailer($row['email'], $mail_subject, $mail_text);
else sendPrivateMessage(array($row['userid'] => $row['username']), array(), $mail_subject, parseURL($mail_text));
$db->unbuffered_query("UPDATE bb".$n."_subscribethreads SET countemails=countemails+1 WHERE threadid='$threadid' AND emailnotify=1 AND countemails<'$maxnotifymails'", 1);

header("Location: thread.php?postid=$postid".$SID_ARG_2ND_UN."#post$postid");
else if (!$_POST['change_editor']) {
$parse = &new parse($docensor, 75, $wbbuserdata['showimages'], '', $usecode);
$preview_topic = htmlconverter(textwrap($topic));
$preview_message = $parse->doparse((($parseurl == 1 && $allowbbcode == 1) ? (parseURL($message)) : ($message)), $allowsmilies, $allowhtml, $allowbbcode, $allowimages);
if ($iconid) {
$result = $db->query_first("SELECT * FROM bb".$n."_icons WHERE iconid = '$iconid'");
$preview_posticon = makeimgtag($result['iconpath'], getlangvar($result['icontitle'], $lang), 0);
else $preview_posticon = '';
eval("\$preview_window = \"".$tpl->get("newthread_preview")."\";");

if ($parseurl == 1 && !$disablebbcode) $checked[0] = 'checked="checked"';
else $checked[0] = '';
if ($emailnotify == 1) $checked[1] = 'checked="checked"';
else $checked[1] = '';
if ($disablesmilies == 1) $checked[2] = 'checked="checked"';
else $checked[2] = '';
if ($disablehtml == 1) $checked[3] = 'checked="checked"';
else $checked[3] = '';
if ($disablebbcode == 1) $checked[4] = 'checked="checked"';
else $checked[4] = '';
if ($disableimages == 1) $checked[5] = 'checked="checked"';
else $checked[5] = '';
if ($showsignature == 1) $checked[6] = 'checked="checked"';
else $checked[6] = '';
if ($threadclose == 1) $checked[7] = 'checked="checked"';
else $checked[7] = '';
elseif (isset($postid)) {
if ($post['posttopic'] != '') {
$post['posttopic'] = preg_replace('/^RE: /i', '', $post['posttopic']);
$topic = $lang->get("LANG_POST_QUOTE_TOPIC", array('$posttopic' => $post['posttopic']));
if (isset($_REQUEST['action']) && $_REQUEST['action'] == 'quote') {
if ($docensor == 1) {
$parse = &new parse(1);
$post['message'] = $parse->censor($post['message']);

$message = $lang->get("LANG_POST_QUOTE_MESSAGE", array('$username' => $post['username'], '$message' => $post['message']));

$navbar = getNavbar($board['parentlist']);
eval("\$navbar .= \"".$tpl->get("navbar_board")."\";");

$wbbuserdata['username'] = htmlconverter($wbbuserdata['username']);

if (!isset($iconid)) $iconid = 0;
if (checkpermissions('can_use_post_icons') == 1) $newthread_icons = getIcons($iconid);
if (checkpermissions('can_use_post_bbcode') == 1 && $wbbuserdata['usewysiwyg'] != 1) $bbcode_buttons = getcodebuttons();
if (checkpermissions('can_use_post_smilies') == 1) {
if ($wbbuserdata['usewysiwyg'] == 1) $smilies = getAppletSmilies();
$bbcode_smilies = getclickysmilies($smilie_table_cols, $smilie_table_rows);

$note = '';
if (checkpermissions('can_use_post_html') == 0) $note .= $lang->items['LANG_POSTINGS_HTML_NOT_ALLOW'];
else $note .= $lang->items['LANG_POSTINGS_HTML_ALLOW'];
if (checkpermissions('can_use_post_bbcode') == 0) $note .= $lang->items['LANG_POSTINGS_BBCODE_NOT_ALLOW'];
else $note .= $lang->items['LANG_POSTINGS_BBCODE_ALLOW'];
if (checkpermissions('can_use_post_smilies') == 0) $note .= $lang->items['LANG_POSTINGS_SMILIES_NOT_ALLOW'];
else $note .= $lang->items['LANG_POSTINGS_SMILIES_ALLOW'];
if (checkpermissions('can_use_post_images') == 0) $note .= $lang->items['LANG_POSTINGS_HTML_IMAGES_ALLOW'];
else $note .= $lang->items['LANG_POSTINGS_IMAGES_ALLOW'];

$readAttachments = false;
$postids = '';
$result = $db->unbuffered_query("SELECT postid, attachments FROM bb".$n."_posts WHERE threadid = '".$threadid."' AND visible = 1 ORDER BY posttime DESC", 0, $showpostsinreply);
while ($row = $db->fetch_array($result)) {
$postids .= ",".$row['postid'];
if ($row['attachments']) $readAttachments = true;

$attachmentArray = array();
if ($readAttachments) {
$result = $db->unbuffered_query("SELECT postid, attachmentid, attachmentname, attachmentextension, attachmentsize, counter, thumbnailextension FROM bb".$n."_attachments WHERE postid IN (0".$postids.") ORDER BY uploadtime");
while ($row = $db->fetch_array($result)) {
$attachmentArray[$row['postid']][$row['attachmentid']] = $row;

$result = $db->query("SELECT p.*, pc.cache, i.*
FROM bb".$n."_posts p
LEFT JOIN bb".$n."_icons i USING (iconid)
LEFT JOIN bb".$n."_postcache pc ON (p.postid=pc.postid)
WHERE p.postid IN (0$postids)
ORDER BY posttime DESC", $showpostsinreply);

$postcount = $thread['replycount'] + 1;
if ($postcount > $showpostsinreply) {
$postcount = $showpostsinreply;
$complete_thread = 1;

$lang->items['LANG_POST_MORE_POSTS'] = $lang->get("LANG_POST_MORE_POSTS", array('$threadid' => $threadid, '$SID_ARG_2ND' => $SID_ARG_2ND));
else $complete_thread = 0;
$lang->items['LANG_POST_LAST_X_POSTS'] = $lang->get("LANG_POST_LAST_X_POSTS", array('$postcount' => $postcount));

$count = 0;
$postbit = '';
$parse = &new parse($docensor, 75, $wbbuserdata['showimages'], '', $usecode);
while ($posts = $db->fetch_array($result)) {
$tdclass = getone($count, 'tableb', 'tablea');

// use postcache if possible
if ($posts['cache']) $posts['message'] = $parse->parseCache($posts['cache']);
else $posts['message'] = $parse->doparse($posts['message'], $posts['allowsmilies'], $posts['allowhtml'], $posts['allowbbcode'], $posts['allowimages']);

$posts['posttopic'] = htmlconverter(textwrap($posts['posttopic']));
$posts['username'] = htmlconverter($posts['username']);
$username = $posts['username'];

if ($posts['iconid']) $posticon = makeimgtag($posts['iconpath'], getlangvar($posts['icontitle'], $lang), 0);
else $posticon = '';

// show attachments
$attachments = '';
$attachment_thumbnailCount = 0;
$attachmentbit = '';
$attachmentbit_img = '';
$attachmentbit_img_small = '';
$attachmentbit_img_thumbnails = '';

if (isset($attachmentArray[$posts['postid']]) && count($attachmentArray[$posts['postid']])) {

foreach ($attachmentArray[$posts['postid']] as $attachment) {
$attachment['attachmentextension'] = htmlconverter($attachment['attachmentextension']);
$attachment['attachmentname'] = htmlconverter($attachment['attachmentname']);

// attachment is an image, display it directly
if (checkpermissions('can_download_attachments') == 1 && $wbbuserdata['showimages'] == 1 && $wbbuserdata['can_download_attachments'] == 1 && ($attachment['attachmentextension'] == 'gif' || $attachment['attachmentextension'] == 'jpg' || $attachment['attachmentextension'] == 'jpeg' || $attachment['attachmentextension'] == 'png')) {
if ($attachment['thumbnailextension'] != '') {
if ($attachment_thumbnailCount && ($attachment_thumbnailCount % $thumbnailsperrow) == 0) $thumbnailNewline = true;
else $thumbnailNewline = false;
else $LANG_THREAD_ATTACHMENT_IMAGE_THUMBNAIL = $lang->get("LANG_THREAD_ATTACHMENTS_IMAGE_SMALL", array('$username' => $username));

eval("\$attachmentbit_img_thumbnails .= \"".$tpl->get("thread_attachmentbit_show_thumbnail")."\";");
else {
$imgsize = @getimagesize("./attachments/attachment-$attachment[attachmentid].$attachme

if (($picmaxwidth != 0 && $imgsize[0] > $picmaxwidth) || ($picmaxheight != 0 && $imgsize[1] > $picmaxheight)) {
if ($picmaxwidth != 0) $div1 = $picmaxwidth / $imgsize[0];
else $div1 = 1;
if ($picmaxheight != 0) $div2 = $picmaxheight / $imgsize[1];
else $div2 = 1;

if ($div1 < $div2) {
$attachment['imgwidth'] = $picmaxwidth;
$attachment['imgheight'] = round($imgsize[1] * $div1);
else {
$attachment['imgheight'] = $picmaxheight;
$attachment['imgwidth'] = round($imgsize[0] * $div2);

else $LANG_THREAD_ATTACHMENT_IMAGE_SMALL = $lang->get("LANG_THREAD_ATTACHMENTS_IMAGE_SMALL", array('$username' => $username));

eval("\$attachmentbit_img_small .= \"".$tpl->get("thread_attachmentbit_show_small")."\";");
else {
if (!isset($LANG_THREAD_ATTACHMENT_IMAGE)) $LANG_THREAD_ATTACHMENT_IMAGE = $lang->get("LANG_THREAD_ATTACHMENT_IMAGE", array('$username' => $username));
else $LANG_THREAD_ATTACHMENT_IMAGE = $lang->get("LANG_THREAD_ATTACHMENTS_IMAGE", array('$username' => $username));

eval("\$attachmentbit_img .= \"".$tpl->get("thread_attachmentbit_show")."\";");
else {
if (!file_exists($style['imagefolder']."/filetypes/".$attachment['attachmentex
tension'].".gif")) $extensionimage = "unknown";
else $extensionimage = $attachment['attachmentextension'];
if ($attachment['counter'] >= 1000) $attachment['counter'] = number_format($attachment['counter'], 0, "", $lang->get("LANG_GLOBAL_THOUSANDS_SEP"));
$attachment['attachmentsize'] = formatFilesize($attachment['attachmentsize']);
$LANG_THREAD_ATTACHMENT_INFO = $lang->get("LANG_THREAD_ATTACHMENT_INFO", array('$attachmentsize' => $attachment['attachmentsize'], '$counter' => $attachment['counter']));

eval("\$attachmentbit .= \"".$tpl->get("thread_attachmentbit")."\";");
eval("\$attachments = \"".$tpl->get("thread_attachments")."\";");

eval("\$postbit .= \"".$tpl->get("addreply_postbit")."\";");

if (!isset($idhash)) $idhash = md5($wbbuserdata['userid'].'|'.$threadid.'|'.time());
else $idhash = htmlconverter($idhash);
if (checkpermissions('can_upload_attachments') == 1) {
if (isset($attachmentids) && is_array($attachmentids)) $attachmentids = implode(',', $attachmentids);
else $attachmentids = '';

eval("\$attachment = \"".$tpl->get("newthread_attachment")."\";");
else $attachment = '';

if (isset($message)) $message = htmlconverter($message);
elseif ($board['posttemplateuse'] > 0) {
if ($board['posttemplateuse'] == 1) $posttemplate = $default_posttemplate;
if ($board['posttemplateuse'] == 2) $posttemplate = $board['posttemplate'];
$message = getlangvar($posttemplate, $lang);
if (isset($topic)) $topic = htmlconverter($topic);
if (isset($guestname)) $guestname = htmlconverter($guestname);

eval("\$newthread_username = \"".$tpl->get("newthread_username")."\";");
$thread['topic'] = htmlconverter(textwrap($thread['topic']));

eval("\$headinclude .= \"".$tpl->get("bbcode_script")."\";");
eval("\$editor = \"".$tpl->get("editor")."\";");
eval("\$editor_switch = \"".$tpl->get("editor_switch")."\";");
10.03.08 18:22 GoldenGate ist offline E-Mail WWW Finden Als Freund hinzufügen AIM-Name von GoldenGate: GoldenGate1980 YIM-Name von GoldenGate: samybaffoun

Dabei seit: 30.11.04
Beiträge: 790

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addreply.php(496) : eval() = dort steht welches Template das verursacht

eval()'d code = TEMPLATE Fehler

code on line 26 = in der zeile des Templates ist der Fehler

ps und poste codes bitte im bbcode tag
10.03.08 18:33 Luzifer69 ist offline WWW Finden Als Freund hinzufügen
GoldenGate GoldenGate ist männlich


Dabei seit: 16.01.04
Beiträge: 805
Herkunft: Bodenheim
Forenversion: Wbb 2.3.3.

Themenstarter Thema begonnen von GoldenGate
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okay jetzt ein neuer fehler

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_ENCAPSED_AND_WHITESPACE, expecting T_STRING or T_VARIABLE or T_NUM_STRING in /var/www/web368/html/wbb2/editpost.php(353) : eval()'d code on line 30
10.03.08 18:34 GoldenGate ist offline E-Mail WWW Finden Als Freund hinzufügen AIM-Name von GoldenGate: GoldenGate1980 YIM-Name von GoldenGate: samybaffoun

Dabei seit: 24.04.05
Beiträge: 9

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Die Fehlermeldung sagt dir doch wo der Fehler ist
in der editpost.php in zeile 353 steht das template welches in Zeile 30 einen Fehler verursacht

also poste das Template
10.03.08 19:15 Smoskito6 ist offline E-Mail Finden Als Freund hinzufügen
Shackles Shackles ist weiblich
Nervensäge ^^


Dabei seit: 14.02.08
Beiträge: 1.387
Fähigkeiten: WBB2 Fortgeschritten
Herkunft: Hilter a.T.W. / Landkreis Osnabrück
Forenversion: 3.1

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Aber bitte im BB Code! cool

10.03.08 19:18 Shackles ist offline E-Mail WWW Finden Als Freund hinzufügen Füge Shackles in deine Kontaktliste ein
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